Since 1991, EDPOL Food&Innovation has been operating in the food industry as a producer of spices and spice mixes. The company’s specialization in the field of spices is the production and packaging of spice or functional mixtures in bulk or small unit packages.
Production of spices for the food industry
The production of spices at EDPOL Food&Innovation has been rooted since the beginning of its first production plant in Łomża. A dry production plant with a machine park for the composition of various spice mixes for food producers was built at Nowogrodzka Street. The equipment of the halls includes, above all, mills of various sizes, mixers, screeners, mixing drums, shredders, dryers and fraction separators, as well as all equipment for quality control of raw materials and finished products. One of the main success factors in the production of spices is the raw material, which must not only be of organoleptic quality, but also come from specialized crops to ensure microbiological quality. EDPOL Food&Innovation cooperates in this area with farmers from Poland and suppliers from abroad – Europe, Asia and America.
Spice mixes in sachets
The production of spice mixes became the domain of EDPOL Food&Innovation after entering the B2B sector. Thanks to a professionally equipped laboratory, the manufacturer began to work on spice compositions for use by food producers. The use of spice mixes became even more necessary when producers from the meat or fish industry began to feel the need to diversify their products with new taste and functional values. At that time, spice mixes in sachets became a hit as a small form of addition to the dish (read: product), which the consumer could personally add to the dish during its preparation. Sachets with spices weighing 3g – 15g enabled easy application of spices by the consumer, and more importantly for the food producer, they added value to his product with a constant, easily calculable production cost per product unit.
Spice mixes for the meat industry
The industry that particularly appreciated the qualities of spice and functional blends are meat processors and producers of meat dishes. Selected compositions of spices dedicated to individual meat products gave them exceptional taste, aroma, organoleptic and also microbiological values. EDPOL Food&Innovation has been cooperating with the largest producers of the Polish meat industry for years, supplying them with the highest quality raw materials and semi-finished products. The offer of spice mixes by EDPOL Food&Innovation addressed to producers from the meat industry is available at:
Packing of spices and spice mixes
Along with the development of the machine park, the manufacturer of spices EDPOL Food&Innovation has expanded its offer of services also with the possibility of packing spices and spice mixtures in both wholesale and individual packaging – small consumer packaging. Among unit packaging, our capabilities include packing spice mixtures into sachets with a weight of 3 g or PET packaging from 0.5 kg. Packing of spices for food processors can be carried out in bags from 5kg to 50kg or metallized foil packaging from 1kg to 10kg.
Sachet with spices
The sachet with spices is a form for full individualization at the customer’s request. In addition to the shape of the sachet, we are able to adjust its dimensions and the weight of the spice inside to the customer’s requirements. We use transparent or coloured, metallised foils with an EVOH barrier layer certified for contact with food. The spice sachet type packaging can be printed with the customer’s graphic design. The option of ‘uncut’ sachets is also available – i.e. in a roll.