Cup tops / Toppers

The top cup contains a mixture of cereals, fruits, sweet additives and many other flavoured additives for dairy products. Examples of mixtures: oatmeal, cereals, seeds, dried fruit, dried or freeze-dried fruit, chocolate or bakery additives (cookies, meringues). Liquid refills such as: jams, marmalades, preserves are also available.

The toppers may also contain powdered sauce to be mixed with yogurt to make a sauce / dressing.

The product is aimed at dairy products in cups with a diameter of 75mm and 95mm at the upper base of the cup. The weight of the load is dependent on cup top type. Possibility to add a teaspoon to the package. The packaging may contain the Customer’s graphic design in the form of a sticker on the lid.

Ask our experts for other packaging sizes.

Additional options for toppers

Possibility to add a teaspoon to the package

Drewniana łyżeczka na topperku
Drewniana łyżeczka na topperku

The packaging may contain the Customer’s graphic design in the form of a sticker on the lid

Sticker na topper

Exampled flavor variants:

• Puffed buckwheat with strawberry,
• Puffed rye with blueberry,
• Puffed oat with strawberry,
• Granola with strawberry and blueberry,
• Granola with white chocolate and strawberry,
• Granola with cranberry,
• A mixture of wheat-rice and corn flakes,
• Grits of corn flakes in chocolate,
• Dark crushed cookies (a’la Oreo),
• Granola with freeze-dried fruit (to be selected by the customer),
• Granola without extras (option with or without sugar),
• Granola with freeze-dried fruit (to be selected by the customer),
• Granola with walnuts,
• 5-component mix of cereals,
• Chocolate dragees in a coating,
• 3-colored chocolate balls,
• Mini meringues and mellow foams,
• Milk chocolate shavings, white,
• Oreo or butter cookies,
• Mix of seeds,
• Muesli (option with or without sugar),
• Oatmeal with protein supplement (coconut, strawberry, chocolate caramel flavor).

 Quantity in a boxNumber of cartons on the palletQuantity on the pallet
High cup top 30g z łyżką Ø 95144324 608
Low cup Ø 95300329 600
High cup top Ø 752284510 260
Low cup Ø 753484515 660
Low cup Ø 75 PET4324519 440

Possibility to create an individual recipe dedicated to your product.