Spice mixes for salads and vegetables

Spice mixes for salads and vegetables

The offer for vegetable and meatless products includes mixtures of spices, herbs, additives: seeds, seeds, toasts. The type of mixture or additive can be individually composed to the customer’s product.
Breadcrumbs for meats are also available.
Small packaging forms are perfect for adding to convenience products: salads, soups or main courses and snacks.


  • 3-sealed sachets: from 3g to 200g
  • Stick-sachets: from 3g to 150g

Possibility to create your own sachet design with the customer’s logo. Basic version: white or transparent.

  • 1L PET bottle with product label
  • Metallized bags with the label: 500g – 1000g
  • Paper bags with a foil insert: 3kg – 50kg

Examples of seasoning blends for salads, vegetable or pasta dishes:

  • Herb and paprika spice,
  • Italian spice,
  • Oriental spice,
  • Mexican spice,
  • Vegetable seasoning with dried tomatoes,
  • Spanish spice,
  • Greek spice,
  • Spice with marjoram,
  • Seasoning for pearl barley with spinach,
  • Greek vegetable seasoning,
  • French vegetable seasoning,
  • Spanish vegetable seasoning,
  • Salad additive: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
 Quantity in a boxNumber of cartons on a palletThe quantity on the palette
5 g1 5004567 500
10g7004531 500
15g5004522 500
10g (fried onion)6504529 250

Possibility to create an individual recipe dedicated to your product.